James Wilson" />

5 Tricks to Double Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

You could have possibly diverted online traffic to your website through multiple channels, whether blogs, paid advertisements, promotions, or social media marketing. But if you are losing customers after visiting your website, every such loss is a dropped case.

If you believe proper marketing is enough to sail you through this sea, you’re missing out on a lot.

Attracting your customers is not enough; instead, optimizing your website according to conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the real deal.

Conversion optimization is when you have mandated all necessary details that encourage your customers to complete the transaction left halfway through the shopping process. This might shift according to different websites and their priorities, whether a newsletter, signing up with their information or sales, well most likely “sale” is the final call for eCommerce websites.

Your eCommerce conversion rate is the number of online visitors and potential prospects your website can convert to take the desired action.

However, not so fast!

In this competing digital commerce world, For example: Shopify, where every Shopify store is on its toes to attract and retain customers. Using some standard and non-standard processes promote your products and encourage your customers to press the “buy now” button.

As an eCommerce retailer, it’s your responsibility to amend the proper rules.

Whether you have just started your website or are in the game for a long, you will require continuous efforts to maintain several critical aspects of your website to attract and retain your customers.

And to begin, we first need to analyze the standard eCommerce conversion rates.


What is a reasonable E-Commerce conversion rate?

64% of online eCommerce marketers 70 reported their ideal conversion rates between 3% to 5%.

However, your conversion rates might shift according to your niche industry, target audience or product, and pricing standards.

You can safely target anywhere between 3-5% to hit your ideal initial conversion rate and exercise your marketing efforts, augmenting your customer’s journey and reaching them with the same intentions.

This article will guide you through the necessary selling methodologies to boost your online conversion rates and leave your benchmark on the growing digital market.


1. Boost Your Page Loading Speed

Before getting in, analyze your website speed at present. Tests like the Pingdom website speed and google page speed insights can help you.

Studies indicate-

  • Pages that loaded within 2.4 seconds recorded conversion rates of 1.9%
  • With 3.3 seconds loading speed recorded conversion rates by 1.5%
  • And with 4.2 seconds loading pages witnessed their conversion rates dropping to less than 1%
  • While Pages with a loading speed of more than 5.6 seconds recorded a massive drop of 0.6% in conversion rates
  • If your website is not optimized concerning loading speed, and it’s prolonged, you are potentially losing out on many customers during different stages of the buying process


How to optimize your loading speed?

  • Optimize the images on the website
  • Upgrade to better hosting plans
  • Analyze the plugins and use only which are necessary for your website
  • Remove unnecessary codes and errors and use advanced monitoring tools to run frequent checks


2. Ensure great-quality images and video on your product pages

A significant component of making your website visually appealing is using high-quality images and accurate product descriptions.

Your images and product descriptions are the primary factors of relying trust on your website. Since customers cannot experience the product quality before buying, this adds up to more vital information.

Install zoom-in features and images from different angles to remove any standing doubts about the product.

Additionally, use videos along with images to increase familiarity with the products. They also aid in visualizing the product better to upscale the conversion rates.

All the aspects are to emulate the experience your customer would have by holding the product in person as they increase the chances of conversion.


3. Simplify Your Design

Simplicity converts!

Adding too many unnecessary jingles on the website can divert your consumer’s attention from making the final call.

Instead, use the white space to declutter and to make your customer pay attention to the relevant information, like product images and descriptions or important messages like discount offers and price drops. It helps focus on communication, encouraging the urge to buy from your online store and making the navigation process delightful yet straightforward.

When you remove unnecessary information from the website and focus on simple designs, it helps in faster-loading pages, promoting more customers taking the final action.


4. Improve Your Copy

Your copies, CTAs, and landing pages send subconscious signals to visitors to make the desired action, making them increasingly vital to optimize accordingly. It’s not only us instead; the group of leading online marketers also claim copies leave the most noticeable impact on conversion rates.

Copies navigate the directions from the home page to the purchase page like the story and keep the customers held throughout the process. And since your online store doesn’t have a live person, unlike offline stores, specifying all the information.

Your copies are the only primary source of written text that customers can rely on.

It makes it even more crucial to not rush through the process instead, take time to use words that impact your customers positively.

Conversion rates from different landing pages-

  • Copies record 36% conversion rates
  • Design and layout indicate 33% conversion rates
  • 20% conversion rates are recorded from the offer or discount pages
  • 5% conversions are fueled by form field


5. Provide Free Shipping

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

You have two websites open selling the same product at almost the exact pricing, but one offers the luxury of free shipping and the other doesn’t.

Which one shall you choose?

Well, according to a significant part of the customer survey, the first one.

Free shipping provides a sense of accomplishment in your customer’s head and thus it’s always a good idea to leverage on for upscaling your conversion rates.

In fact, 90% of US shoppers consider free shipping their best incentive to shop more online, and it’s no surprise to record free shipping with a 30% increase AOV.

On the contrary, the absence of free shipping recorded 61% of online shoppers to reconsider their buying decision or cancel the order in the worst cases.

While the big fishes like amazon and Walmart win the sea, free shipping can be one of your best allies to build a loyal customer base.


Summing Up

Every online store has its uniqueness, which also determines what works best for them and their customers.

We have tried enlisting some generic yet very significant points to ensure your conversion rates skyrocket.

Which one did you choose for your online website?

Let us know in the comments.


Author Bio

James Wilson is a seasoned Content Writer at Net Solutions, New York, for ten years with expertise in blogging, writing creative and technical copy for direct response markets and B2B and B2C industries. Born and brought up in New York, James holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature. Besides his technical background, he is not very disconnected from the digital in his free time – he loves to binge-watch Netflix.




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