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Loneliness and Content Writing – How I Fought the Demon?

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Loneliness and content writing – how I fought the demon

A friend of mine who is a customer care executive often tells me how lucky I am to choose freelance content writing as a profession. She thinks it is cool to sit at home alone and work on projects without any interference. Really? Ask any content writer how lonely it feels at times when you only have your PC to give you company.

Me, content writing and loneliness – the perfect formula for depression

Yes, the life of content writer can get very lonely without any social interaction. In fact, it can get very depressing. Imagine you had a big fight with your husband and you are alone at home for the entire day. No colleagues, no phone calls, just you, and an assignment wherein you have to write how to get your husband to love you more. Won’t you feel frustrated?

There was a time when my life as content writer made me feel very lonely and depressed. There I was, writing the whole day about romantic places to visit on the first honeymoon knowing fully well I can never afford to visit them, or writing product reviews of dresses and accessories that again, I didn’t have money to buy.

Living a whole day on my own, eating ready-made food and pounding words can be the worst thing that could have happened to me. I needed to do something about it and I did. Here are the things I did to beat my loneliness and become sane again.

I started going out for grocery shopping

This may sound very trivial but I stopped ordering things online to save time and started visiting the local supermarket. I talked to the salesgirls, I met women who were disturbed by rising prices, and I met moms who were frustrated with the eating habits of their kids, in short, I met real people.

I joined a morning walkers’ group

This proved to be a good decision as I met several like-minded people and taking care of my health became fun. We met in the garden every day, we shared our woes and suddenly I started feeling less lonely. I made a few friends and went to the movies with them.

I reconnected with old friends                                                      

I must admit, in the beginning, it felt awkward. I called friends I haven’t talked to in the last 10 years or so. I realized how things have changed, and how difficult it has become to share our lives. Yet, I carried on and today have created small network of friends with whom I am in contact through social media. It feels nice to have a chat in the afternoon when I feel bored or in the evening when I am dead tired. My friends comfort me, they care for me and that is enough to feel great about myself.

My storytelling club

This is something I did for my daughter and it has actually helped me to fight my depression and loneliness. Since my daughter loves to read books I often read aloud to her. Her friends often join in and we have our own storytelling sessions. I made it into a formal club and we meet every weekend to read stories. The toddlers and the kids rub their enthusiasm on me and I feel so fresh and young.

Do you feel lonely? Find your own way of beating it. Join a nature’s club, make friends, call your relatives, and get human company. Your life would improve and so would your writing too.

About the authorKoyel Majumder – A writer with an eye for perfection. She is content writer from Mumbai, India with over 6 years of experience in writing web content, blogs, and articles. When she is not writing, she will be reading for ideas that would help her to remain up to date. In short, she lives and dreams words and finds this writer’s world fascinating.

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