Trevor Michael" />

12 Buzzwords and Phrases to Spice Up Your Product Pages

E-commerce enables entrepreneurial people to pursue the business they’ve been dreaming of. These days, you don’t have to shell out significant capital to set up a brick-and-mortar shop to introduce your brand and welcome customers.

A dedicated website, social media pages and participation in online selling platforms are enough to get your products out there. If you market aggressively through these channels and other digital marketing platforms, eventually, people will know about your brand and offerings. This is where excellent product pages come in.

You need to ensure that your product pages make good impressions. It should be easy for customers to navigate your pages and find what they’re looking for. All the vital information about what you’re offering should be readily available. Moreover, the purchasing process should be seamless.

This level of customer-centricity can reduce your bounce rates and increase customer conversion. These are crucial strategies for a successful e-commerce business.



What Makes a Good Product Page

Effective eCommerce product pages cater to the following requirements:

  • Customer-focused – You need to clearly define your target audience and have a good grasp of your buyer personas. Consider the questions: What are their interests? What do they respond to? What are their pain points? What would they first look at when browsing the page? Put yourself in your customers’ shoes.
  • Specific – Product names listed online should be consistent with the name of the actual product. This is achieved through uniformity. You want to incorporate them with as many organic search potential keywords and product information as you can. Your goal is to be there when customers are looking for a similar product to your offer.
  • Benefits-driven – Sure, you need to highlight the features of a product. But that should not be the end-all and be-all of product descriptions. You can convince and attract customers better with product benefits.
    So, what’s the difference? A phone’s Bluetooth compatibility is a product feature. A phone that will allow customers to listen to music without dealing with pesky wires is a product benefit.
  • Price-forward – Sketchy and misleading pricing is the easiest way to turn customers away. For instance, you put a more affordable price on the product page, but the price is different at checkout. Resolve this by highlighting a product’s price. If the product is discounted, place the current price next to the old price with strikethrough for easy distinction.
  • Narrative-driven – Your product page should have an introduction, body, and conclusion or call to action (CTA). Start with a product introduction to hook the audience, followed by the product features and benefits to keep their attention onto the page and pique their interest and end with an emotional punch or CTA that will convince customers they need your product in their life.


12 Marketing Buzzwords and Phrases for Your Campaigns

The success of a product page primarily hinges on the copy. Here are examples of tested and proven ways of selling your product compellingly.



1. Lowest price – Here, you’re putting your product head-to-head with direct competitors. This keyword informs customers that your product is the best deal price-wise. Elevate this phrase by including actual prices from other brands without naming them.
2. Save money – This is a catchy phrase in two ways. First, your customers can spare a few cents or dollars for other expenses thanks to your product. Second, if you want to take it up a notch, you can specify just how much they’ll get to save.
3. Best value – If your products are not cheap but give the most bang for a customer’s buck, that means you’re offering something of the highest quality at a reasonable price. You can promote them by highlighting the benefits and their value to the customers.


Special offers

4. Buy one, get one free – Pretty straightforward, this marketing tactic is arguably one of the most popular out there. It’s a short and straightforward promise, and customers usually line up for it.
5. Free trial – If you’re willing to get out of your way to convince customers of your worth, your customers will go out of their way to take up such a tempting offer.
6. Free estimate – This is one of the most popular offer service providers like plumbers, architects, and other professionals provide. You’re offering to meet halfway with potential clients. They can either pursue your services or look elsewhere. You have everything to gain, and this can be a win-win offer, especially if you play your cards right.



7. Treat yourself – This tells customers they deserve something for their hard work. They need comfort and beauty, relaxation, or whatever it is that’s lacking in their life. A call to action like this captures customer attention quickly.
8. Beat the system – This empowering phrase lets customers feel they can play against a system. They are in charge of their purchasing power and can wield it the best way possible, in tandem with your brand.
9. At your own pace – You allow customers to decide on their terms. There’s no rush. They’ll appreciate the soft sell, even if it’s reverse psychology.



10. Limited supply – This implies you have something worth purchasing, and only limited people can get it because the demand is greater than the supply. Your customers are compelled to make a quick decision.
11. Before they’re gone – This is another way of saying “limited supply.” You’re telling customers that your products are running out due to high demand, and they will run out soon. If they want to purchase, it’s now or never.
12. Act now – “Act now” is a straightforward call to action. It is effective when you prove the value of your products or services and point out that there’s no better option out there.


Summing It Up

E-commerce has democratized business. Now, anyone with a good business idea can turn that idea into a reality. And the capital necessary to pull that off has been significantly reduced, especially if you skip location-based selling altogether. Furthermore, you have a lot of digital marketing strategies at your disposal. They will make your search for an audience easier.

Creating product pages with customers in mind and maximizing marketing campaigns ensure you won’t be wasting available sales funnels. Chances are that you can increase customer conversion and limit bounce rates.

The top-notch customer experience you’ve provided will keep customers coming back for more. Additionally, loyal customers will gladly share the word about your brand on their social networks. That’s crucial for sustained sales—and sales sustainability is what makes an e-commerce success story.


Author Bio:

Trevor Michael is a Customer Contact Industry Specialist of Select VoiceCom, a company specializing in call center outsourcing services. He has operated successfully within this niche industry for over ten years across Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia. He enjoys writing, golf, and going to social events.

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